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Man Who Fled Communist Cuba Testifies Before Senators on How Gun Control is a Bad Idea

Manuel Martinez, who fled communist Cuba, testified in Salem, Oregon before a committee of  Senators on gun control.

Dan Sandini at Daylight Disinfectant writes:

Mr. Martinez escaped the brutal Communist regime in Cuba in 1954.  His testimony included how citizens under Castro were first disarmed by legislation similar to that being shepherded along by Gun-Grabber in Chief Floyd Prozanski.  Defenseless, many Cuban Citizens were later summarily slaughtered.

It’s the same in every county where oppression has arisen. Disarming the public opens the door to oppression. The issue is not hunting, or even self defense per se. An armed populace is intended to keep the Government from ever becoming tyrannical. Mr. Martinez recounts how the Cuban people lost their freedom:

In 1957 a Revolution … individuals … malicious individuals, masquerading as Democrats, revolutionaries, established a regime … a dictatorial regime … in my nation.  Called Communism, Socialism, Stalinism, Marxism, and whatever other named -ism you want to put on it.  The reason why it was done was to take away the guns from the People.   The right of the People to wear guns.  That is a God-given Right.  It’s not given by anybody.  It’s not given by any group.   It’s the same thing as freedom, which is a God-given Right.  And no one, absolutely no one, has the authority to take it away.  To cease to defend the Second Amendment, and my God-given Right of freedom, will cease only with my death.

Here’s the video of his testimony.

Thomas Sowell: Guns Save Lives

Thomas-SowellThomas Sowell has an article out on how guns save lives, titled….well, Guns Save Lives [link].

We all know that guns can cost lives because the media repeat this message endlessly, as if we could not figure it out for ourselves. But even someone who reads newspapers regularly and watches numerous television newscasts may never learn that guns also save lives– much less see any hard facts comparing how many lives are lost and how many are saved.

Any time spent reading or watching the news backs this up. Defensive use of guns is seldom, if ever, reported on. While the tragedies, regardless of their rarity, are repeated over and over.

If you want to know what the world would look like without guns, read history. The strong prey on the weak, and the weak suffer.